In my paintings the subjects are iconic in who they are or what they represent. However, the real story is what is revealed within the painting. I use representational symbols to create scenes within paintings to tell the story of the subject. Like a puzzle, the closer you look, the more symbols you will find.
In my paintings the subjects are iconic in who they are or what they represent. However, the real story is what is revealed within the painting. I use representational symbols to create scenes within paintings to tell the story of the subject. Like a puzzle, the closer you look, the more symbols you will find.
Audrey Hepburn, 60" x 80"
As an actress Audrey Hepburn has won every major award. But because of her passion for humanitarian work and as an ambassador for UNICEF I have created symbols of children to represent those that she helped save throughout the world.
The Kiss II, 46" x 56"
Symbols of famous kisses
The Kiss, 44" x 56"
V-J Day. It began with “A date which will live in infamy…” and ended with a celebration kiss. Symbols fill this painting about the story of WWII. Included are the Four Freedoms.
The Duke, 44" x 56"
John Wayne was a true American. This painting is made up of Symbols of his life.
Marilyn Monroe with Red, 56" x 56"
In keeping with her sex goddess persona I have painted symbols of Marilyn's lips as well as other iconic images of her life.
The Flying Nun, 44" x 56"
Remember the late 60’s TV shows. Sally Field as Sister Bertrille. Symbols are Cross’s
Andy Warhol, 80" x 60"
As a pioneer in Pop Art Andy Warhol became one of the most renowned and controversial artist of the last century. This portrait is made up of Soup cans and other symbols of his life.
Jackie O, 60" x 80"
As first lady, Jackie was well respected and added a sense of class and style to the White House and its image around the world. The background symbols in this painting are well known photographed images of the "Jackie Look”.
Lady Liberty, 64" x 52"
This colossal neoclassical sculpture is a beacon of freedom and hope throughout the world. The Statue of Liberty is made up of the Liberty Shield and Eiffel Tower symbols.
Surfer Girl, 44" x 55"
Painting is made entirely of unique symbols that tell the story of Summer.
Coppertone Girl, 56" x 44"
As a child these billboard advertisements were everywhere and they symbolized that summer has arrived. As an adult I can still remember the lotion smell. The background symbols include famous ladies from Coppertone advertising. Can you find Jodie Foster & Annette Funicello?
Surfer Girl II, Oil on Linen, 44" x 56"
Sophia Loren, 60" x 80"
An actress and a fashion icon that never forgot her roots. This painting is made up of symbols of Sophia Loren's life.
Einstein's Table of Elements, 67" x 87"
Based on the Periodic Table of Elements, Einstein's portrait is made up of his mathematical equations and famous quotes within small squares.
Lauren Bacall "The Look", 60" x 80"
“The Look”. In her lifetime she won every major acting award for movie and theater. Her star on Hollywood Boulevard is the background for this painting.
ELVIS, 80" x 60"
The King of Rock and Roll became the best selling solo artist in history and made over 30 movies. He is forever remembered in his white suit and cape. The background symbols are images of Elvis entertaining.
Grace Kelly, 60" x 80"
A movie star that grew into a legend when she became the princes of Monaco. Symbols of Grace Kelly's image make up the background to this painting.
Satchmo, 67" x 87"
Satchmo, the “Ambassador of Jazz” is made up of trumpets as a background. His nickname is short for Satchelmouth (describing his embouchure).
Elizabeth Taylor, 44" x 56"
A legend at an early age Elizabeth Taylor turned a movie career into a business and a humanitarian foundation. She remained a popular public figure for the rest of her life.
Winning, 67" x 87"
Paul Newman's character and his desire to help those in need is without question. I chose a background consisting of three symbols of his life; the movie camera, race cars and salad dressing bottles.
Brigitte Bardot, 60" x 80"
One of the most well known sex symbols of her generation, Brigitte Bardot dedicated her fame to promote animal rights that are symbolized in this painting.
The Greatest, 67" x 87"
"Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, your hands can't hit what your eyes can't see”. These rhymes with an unorthodox fighting technique made Muhammad Ali a sports celebrity. His battles outside of the ring made him an icon. Butterfly’s and Bee’s are symbolized in this painting.
Grand Central, 52" x 56"
A majestic landmark that transformed New York City. The well known information clock is the background symbol to this painting.
Marilyn Monroe with green lips, 80" x 60"
Looking into the painting you will discover reference of her movies and outlines of her awards. An even closer look will reveal several pictures of her including silhouettes of her notorious dress blowing in the wind.
Sun Worship, 56" x 44"
Tanning and other bad habits. While researching for the painting Coppertone Girl I came across this photo of a sun worshiper. I just had to paint this with a similar sun burst symbol.
Jackie O, 56" x 56"