Jackson Buffalo, 56" x 46"
Symbols of Indian Head Nickels make up the background of this painting.
Elk, Oil on Linen, 58" x 46"
Symbols made up of hoof print, antlers and Indian feathers.
Craig, Oil on Linen, 58" x 78"
I photographed the Super Tusker, Craig, in Kenya. At that time he was the oldest living elephant in Africa.
Go Fish, 58" x 58"
Goldfish in a bowl! In fun tropical colors
Triple Crown, 80" x 50"
Symbols made up of horse racing in the Triple Crown
Secretariat, 44" x 56"
Symbols made up of horse racing in the Triple Crown
Bald Eagle, 56" x 44"
The symbols are made up of US coins featuring the Bald Eagle.
Buffalo, 56" x 44"
Indian Head Nickels make up the background symbols while other symbols tell the story of how extinction almost ended the Buffalo.
Wall Street, 58” x 46”
The Bull is painted with a palette knife while the background consist of $ and other financial symbols.